Who We Work With


We work as part of an NHS Partnership to deliver both Universal and Targeted Services in Mental and Physical Health to young people aged 4-18. Through Joint Working we have built sustainable partnerships across traditional boundaries associated with Mental Health Services. The impact of this early intervention - increasing health literacy, resilience and coping strategies in young people could significantly lower the incidences of mental health issues in young people, reducing the number of crisis presentations.



We have worked with Public Health Directors across the UK since our conception in 2014. By engaging with Public Health we can help identify and deliver time-critical and preventative measures as part of a social prescribing model. Neuronimo is an evidence-based approach which offers a compelling market opportunity to provide a conduit connecting Public Health interventions with children and young people, offering an attractive solution to delivering public health interventions.


We apply evidence-based practice to every aspect of our work. By ensuring our work uses methods which are scientifically proven to produce positive results we can consistently create positive outcomes. We have partnered with the University of Southampton to ensure our work is rigorously tested, continually looking at new research and studies with a re-evaluation of our work based on findings.


We work with Local Government Authorities across the UK to ensure our work reaches the areas which need it most. With a school-based delivery system we work within communities to understand culture and challenges. We create bespoke programmes to attain the best possible sustainable outcomes in each area. We engage with community champions, councils, Heads of School, children and young people before, during and post delivery of work.


As the only bodies that connect NHS and academic organisations, local authorities, the third sector and industry, AHSN’s are catalysts that create the right conditions to facilitate change across whole health and social care economies, with a clear focus on improving outcomes. This means they are uniquely placed to identify and spread health innovation at pace and scale; driving the adoption and spread of innovative ideas and technologies across large populations. We have worked with AHSN’s since 2016 to ensure we facilitate change across two epidemics; childhood obesity and mental distress.

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