Our Programs
When children really understand what is happening in their brain, they can adjust and manage emotions such as fear, anxiety and worry. The Neuronimo programme helps children and young people aged create healthy habits around mental and physical health. We use behavioural science in our programmes, teaching children how their brains and bodies respond to fear, anxiety, impulsiveness and what actions they can take to manage responses and reactions. When children understand why their heart is beating faster, or why they can't sleep, or why their mind goes blank or why they lash out, they can implement actions which help manage these emotions.
During adolescence, the brain goes through a massive and magnificent redesign. This is to give children the neural firepower to make the transition from dependent little people to independent, productive, happy adults. It’s an exciting time, but it doesn’t always feel this way. Adolescence can be punctuated by entirely wonderful highs that come bundled in new discoveries and flourishing independence, as well as gut-wrenching lows. The Neuronimo programme works with teens to help them understand and manage emotions such as anger, anxiety, impulsiveness, boredom and to implement this management on a consistent basis.